What does it mean that DSBC is a trauma informed church?
Dawn Farmer

At DSBC we believe, as followers of Jesus, we are to create safe spaces that foster authentic connections with God and each other. We recognize that trauma of any kind can create understandable barriers for healthy relationships and connections. For this reason we strive to be a trauma-informed community that seeks to be compassionate and empathetic to all who engage with DSBC whether that be during a church service, small gatherings or community events.

This means that DSBC actively seeks to recognize the signs and symptoms of trauma and integrates this knowledge into our staff and volunteer training, policies, procedures, and practices as prescribed by the AZ Trauma Institute. This includes training for staff and volunteers, acknowledging when words or activities might be triggering and normalizing trauma language in our teachings. 

Specifically in our kids ministry (Adventure Kidz),  we are dedicated to being a kid focused trauma-informed community. After awareness and training sessions for key leaders, we have integrated trauma-informed practices throughout our programs. This includes adapting our language and techniques to offer consistent, supportive interactions across all classrooms. We ensure that every leader receives regular refresher training, maintaining a compassionate approach and creating a safe, healing environment where every child can thrive. All volunteers (in all ministries) are background checked and asked to adhere to DSBC’s Child Protection Policy

Here are just a few of the resources we regularly refer to for understanding trauma and what it means to be a trauma informed church. 

Feel free to reach out to Pastor Dawn Farmer dawn@dsbc.church or to DSBC’s Board at board@dsbc.church to discuss more about how DSBC implements trauma-informed practices and awareness into our community. Note there are male and female board members to talk with. 

At DSBC we know we are a bunch of misfits coming from all different backgrounds, beliefs and perspectives striving to be like Jesus, think like Jesus and love like Jesus in our community.  We recognize this is a life long journey we are all on and as such we all continually have something new to learn about how to live in this world as ambassadors of the Kingdom of God.