Sunday Groups & Classes

Connecting in groups, large and small.

The earliest followers of Jesus connected in two complementary ways, large gatherings and small gatherings. We believe that both gathering styles are crucial for spiritual growth.

We host large gatherings each Sunday, providing opportunity to gather to worship, pray, explore the scripture, share communion and celebrate baptisms and display the powerful love of God as we unite as a diverse bunch of misfits.

Sunday Schedule

Equally important to these larger gatherings is connecting in smaller group settings that allow us to connect with others and to connect our faith to real life through conversation, prayer and encouragement.

9:30am - Service in the Worship Center

10:40am - Refreshments on the Patio

11:00am - Groups & Classes

Adventure Kids hosts unique experiences for kids at 9:30 & 11am, with a snack time at 10:40am

Student Ministries meets in front of the Student Center at 10:40am, then into various groups at 11am..