
At Adventure Kidz we reach, teach, and empower children to impact their world for Christ through creative teaching, hands-on learning, fun games and building relationships!


Visiting us for the first time? Look for the Kidz check-in located in the lobby of our Worship Center (the big building on the east side of the campus). A member of our team will meet your family, get your contact info and check your child into their class. We are also glad to lead you to the classroom and give you a brief tour of the kidz zone.

*You can fill out your contact info ahead of time below:

Age Groups

Infants & Toddlers

Our nursery is staffed with volunteers who enjoy working with our youngest church-goers.  Equipped with age-appropriate toys and activities, children ages birth through 2 will have fun learning, exploring, and interacting with other kids their age.  Children will enjoy playing inside and outside (weather permitting), and fishy crackers will be provided as a snack.  Parents are invited to pack a separate snack for any child with allergies.

Threes – Kinder

Children ages 3 through Kindergarten will enjoy learning Biblical truths through memorable music, interactive games, meaningful crafts, and enriching lessons.  Concepts such as Jesus’ sacrifice for us and God’s unconditional love are introduced in age-appropriate ways that accommodate all learning styles.  Children will also enjoy some free play time inside and outside (weather permitting), and fishy crackers will be provided as a snack.  Parents are invited to pack a separate snack for any child with allergies.

We enjoy teaching Sunday morning music… [I]t is an opportunity to teach timeless Christian songs that the kids can “hide in their heart” for the rest of their lives.”  –Dan and Sue, Pre-K  & Kindergarten Music Leaders

“I notice a difference at home if we miss even one Sunday. I’m thankful for teachers who love and accept my son with all his differences.” -Jennifer, Pre-K Adventure Guide and Parent

First – Fourth Grade

In first through fourth grade, students build upon the foundational truths they have come to know by heart.  Students have the opportunity to engage in song through group worship time, bond with other students during games and crafts, and understand lessons more deeply through intentional object lessons.  Classroom time is largely discussion-based and allows students to explore what the Bible has to say about relevant topics, including the challenges and situations they face in everyday life.  Lessons also aim to help students recognize Christ as their Savior, to facilitate spiritual growth, and to relay the importance of developing a personal relationship with Jesus.

[L]etting the kids have some game time, as well as a craft or object lesson, seems to really help [them] understand what the lesson is trying to teach…”  –Katrina, Adventure Guide

Fifth - Seventh Grade

The Journey is a transitional ministry to help students prepare for the big changes of middle school and beyond. In the Journey we seek to help students to grow closer to Jesus and gain confidence in this next phase.  We encourage students to share Jesus with others by showing grace and love in their everyday lives. This unique space allows us to introduce students to leadership opportunities such as Journey event planning, and choosing discussion topics based on what is relevant in their life.

Adventure Guides

We call our Adventure Kidz volunteers “Adventure Guides,” because they serve the vital role of guiding these children through some of the most crucial years of faith development. Adventure Guides serve in all capacities from teaching lessons to leading games to facilitating crafts. All Adventure Guides are background checked, trained, and mentored by an established volunteer.