
Jesus Calls All of His Followers to Be Baptized.

This act symbolizes our connection with Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. If you recently started following Jesus, or have been following him for years, we invite you to take this step.

Baptism FAQ's

Why should I be baptized?

Jesus tells his followers to be baptized as a means of publicly proclaiming our faith in him. Water baptism is not a requirement for a relationship with Jesus… it doesn’t ‘wash us clean’ or make God love us… his love comes totally apart from anything we could do. Instead, baptism is an outward expression of an inward reality. It’s a way for Jesus followers to proclaim their love for and relationship with him.

Who should be baptized?

Everyone who follows Jesus (the Bible calls them ‘Disciples’). There are many examples in the scripture of people being baptized very soon after they start following Jesus (herehere and here).

How do we practice baptism?

Usually, we encourage people to be submerged underwater (the word ‘baptism’ means ‘to immerse’) as this is the method we see in the Bible and also graphically pictures the reality of one’s identification with Christ’s death and resurrection.  This is most frequently done in our baptistery (kind of like a ‘Jacuzzi’) located on the stage in the Worship Center. We also ask that those being baptized would share about how Jesus has impacted their life and why they’d like to be baptized, whether from the stage or on a video .

Who performs the baptism?

The Bible does not specify who has the authority to baptize. If you have someone who has been instrumental in leading you to Jesus or in assisting you in your spiritual growth, you may want to ask him or her to participate in your baptism. Please discuss this with the pastor with whom you have your interview.