Splash Camp

June 2nd-6th

Splash Camp is a week-long day camp in North Phoenix, offering a delightful blend of fun games, crafts, music, and more!

  • Dates: June 2nd-6th
  • Time: 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
  • Age Group: Children ages 4 years old (by June 2) to 6th grade
  • School Year: Register your children in their current 2024-2025 school year grade.

Cost: $45 per child and includes this year’s splash camp t-shirt! Please note that refunds are not available.

Splash Camp is full! Click HERE to join the Waitlist.

Spots are frequently opening up due to cancelation.  

Serve at Splash Camp
Each year, over 100 volunteers work to make Splash Camp great!  We’d love for you to join us. Click here to sign up to serve!