New 11am Service Launching August 11th

—A letter from Pastor Caleb—

I recently shared a few stories of how I have seen God at work through you. As a church, y’all have been living out the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven, which God has been using to draw people to him. Each story included someone who, for various reasons, never or no longer felt welcome at church. Some had been asked to leave their church; others thought church was just about political indoctrination. Still, others felt that they or their family members were no longer safe in their faith community.

While we lament this pain, we also thank God that because of your faithful witness, they found a community of misfits centered on Jesus. If you missed it, I invite you to watch the video here.

Adding a 2nd Service

We believe that God is doing a unique work in and through our church. We pray that he will give us a fresh vision of how he calls us to love and serve our city. We have been praying that God would guide us in how we can create more space at the table so that we can invite more people from our community to join us.

Just as Jesus always invited people to his table, so too do we want to lead with hospitality, inviting people to join us at whatever table we find ourselves at. Whether it be the dinner table in our homes, the pub table in the community, or the communion table in our worship gatherings, we strive to invite all to join us.

One way we are growing our community is by adding another Sunday worship gathering. Starting August 11th, we are excited to host worship gatherings at 9:30 and 11 am on Sundays, providing more opportunities for everyone to join us at the table.

While it will undoubtedly be a lot of extra work for our teams, adding a 2nd service will empower us to better minister for a few reasons:

  1. Create more space in the Worship Center for us to share communion and for classes and children’s ministry programming.
  2. We are deeply grateful for the over 70 volunteers on Sundays. This new service will give you an opportunity to serve one hour and worship the other, allowing for a more fulfilling experience.
  3. We have heard your feedback and are excited to provide a more convenient time. Many of you shared that 9:30 am is a bit too early, and that 11 am would be a better fit for your schedules.
  4. Allow us the opportunity to invite more people to join us!

How You Can Help

Over 70 people invest their time, skill, and energy in hosting our Sunday worship gatherings each Sunday. We’d love for you to join the team! Whether it is with the Adventure Kidz, Student Ministry, Worship & Arts, Tech Booth, Hospitality Team, Setup Crew, or behind-the-scenes prep, we’d love to help connect you with the right team! Take your next step by filling out this interest form.

Using our talents and resources to serve others not only helps people but also allows us to see God work and grow in our faith. God often blesses me as I seek to follow him in blessing others. I pray that you will experience the beauty and power of God as you follow him in serving others.


I am thrilled to join you in the work that God is doing in and through DSBC and I look forward to seeing God at work in our community in the months and years to come!

-Pastor Caleb