Building a Jesus-Centered Community Together, we can build a loving community that disrupts complacency and fosters healing for the broken, which is all of us. Over the last...
Civic Engagement – Resources Here are some resources to help you discern your own convictions about how to engage in government, politics, and voting. Videos &...
What is Communion? Communion (also referred to as the Lord’s Supper, Lord’s Table or Eucharist) (1 Cor. 11:20) is one of two sacraments given to...
What does it mean that DSBC is a trauma informed church? At DSBC we believe, as followers of Jesus, we are to create safe spaces that foster authentic connections with God and each other. We...
A response to the events of July 13th, 2024 The following message was given by Pastor Caleb E. Campbell on July 14th during morning worship at Desert Springs Bible Church. It is based...
New 11am Service Launching August 11th —A letter from Pastor Caleb— I recently shared a few stories of how I have seen God at work through you. As a church,...
Study Resources: Revelation At DSBC, we are all about equipping you to discern your own convictions by the power of the Holy Spirit. The book of Revelation is perhaps...
Digital Resources One of our core values at DSBC is to help people be with Jesus, think like Jesus, and love like Jesus. As we enter the new year, I invite...
Fostering Healing, Disrupting Complacency DSBC is committed to cultivating a loving community that disrupts complacency and fosters healing for the broken… which is all of us....
Feeling Deeply To live fully involves feeling deeply. Our feelings are gifts from God and are part of loving deeply and living well. Sadness,...
Political Animals Politics is about people. It’s is what we call “managing our common life together.1” Engaging in political processes and...
Bible Study Podcasts We strive to equip you to discern your own convictions by the power of the Holy Spirit. We invite you to use these podcast resources for...
Justice The Bible has a lot to say about justice. In this brief study, we’ll provide an overview of the biblical understanding of justice...
Ethnicity in the New Testament This content was originally presented as a group study. Click here for a copy of the original handout. For more discussion on Ethnicity...
Ethnicity in Acts The church is, by design, a multi-ethnic community. A diverse local church, living in unity, serves as a witness to the reconciling power...
Processing Gun Violence A note about this article: I have intentionally not included anything about what we can DO about gun violence in this article. I am praying...
Why Gather? God is a community (Father, Son, Spirit) and we humans, made in his image, are designed to know and be known by a loving community. The...
What is Ordination? Ordination is the public recognition and affirmation of a person’s call to pastoral ministry. While there is no mention of an...
Racism and the Church On occasion we get the question “Why do we talk about racism so much at DSBC?” This brief article lays out a brief answer to that...
Loving Refugees “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” – Jesus...
Grace, Generosity and Money Jesus’ call to live generously carries with it many questions about our values and how to live wisely. In this short study, I hope to...
Forgiveness and Reconciliation During our 2021 On The Mend series, we studied Biblical principles and practices that equip us to engage in the processes of forgiveness...
Christlike in the Chaos An open letter from Pastor Caleb Campbell To my DSBC Church Family, Over the last year there has been a lot of hurt and offence in our...